Emergency Veterinary Care

When Care Can't Wait
During regular business hours, Animal Medical Center of Jefferson City's medical staff and resources are available to help you with any emergency your pet experiences. If possible, please call us in advance so we can prepare for your arrival.
As pet owners ourselves, we recognize that medical emergencies don't restrict themselves to happening at the most convenient times. Our clinic closes as 5:30 p.m. every weeknight and at 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays. We are closed on Sundays. In case of an emergency after hours, please call one of the emergency hospitals below:
- Horton Animal Hospital - Discovery | 573-777-3609
- University of Missouri Veterinary Health Center | 573-882-7821
Signs Your Pet Needs Emergency Care
If you feel your pet's medical condition is serious and cannot wait, seek emergency care immediately. The following general situations should help you determine if you need to seek emergency care for your pet:
- Difficulty breathing
- Acute abdominal swelling
- Electric shock
- Excessive vomiting or diarrhea
- Bleeding
- Exhibits symptoms of heat stroke
- Seizures
- Sudden onset of weakness
- High or low temperature (more than 104 or less than 100 degrees)
- Unable to urinate or defecate